5 Most Astonishing Dinosaur Fossils Ever Found and Preserved

Consider the earth 67 million years ago when no creatures are there except the massive dinosaurs. They reigned on the ancient Earth for a long time. It is the credit of the palaeontologists who have done such an amazing job of making accidental discoveries of the fossils of dinosaurs to study about the very first creature on the earth.

Soon, it becomes a subject of great fascination and interest for the human being. Even some museums are there where you can find dinosaur fossils for sale in the UK. Here you can find the details of top 5 most fascinating dinosaur fossils along with their story and discovery history. So, read on to know them.   
  1. A Fossilised Fight

    Both Protoceratops and Velociraptor will stay a mid-fight forever as they have been found in 1971 in Mongolia. In this particular fossil, you can find that the herbivore, Protoceratops wrapped the biting jaw around the arm of the Velociraptor.

    On the other hand, the carnivore, Velociraptor found locking of the claw in the carotid artery of his own prey. It is assumed and believed that both of them died and fossilised under a huge land mass during fighting and they get locked forever.
  2. The Largest Tyrannosaurus Rex

    Here is the Sue, the most completed, best preserved as well as largest T-rex which can be ever exposed. She is 13’ tall and 40.5’ long is measurement is taken at the hip. It was 1990 when it is discovered by Sue Hendrickson in South Dakota.

    Prior to its discovery, only 60% completed T-rex fossils have been found by the palaeontologists. As with Sue 90% of the phenomenal fossil frame gets discovered, it assists in a great advancement of studying and understanding the characteristics of this ancient mighty species. 
  3. The Most Realistic Dinosaur Fossil

    Certain factors are there which make this specific fossil listed amongst top 5 astonishing fossils. At first, it is a finest example of the never-before-seen fossil type of Nodosaur. It is accidentally found by the Canadian miners when they are mining at a marine environment. The area is very unlikely along with its environment for a dinosaur habitat.

    Interestingly, not only just skeleton the fossil comprises of the full petrified body of the dinosaur. Rarely in the palaeontology world, such a fossil of dinosaur can be found with the skin and scale in an extraordinary detail. Even after having the glimpse of the statue, you are not going to believe that it is the impression of the sleeping Nodosaur.
  4. Prehistoric Poo

    Though this fossil possesses the appearance of any other rock yet it’s really a dung heap of a 65 million years old dinosaur. Now imagine about an average scale of these giants who rule the Earth once when no other living creatures are there.

    May be they ingested pounds of foods on a daily basis whose waste had to go somewhere and to be found by the humans only and that too after millions of years. A representative of University of Colorado Museum, Karen Chin specialises in coprolites (fossilised faeces). Although it may sound awkward but certain persons are really passionate about it.
  5. Sea Monster Having Babies

    The last but not the least is the magnificent fossil is of a mother giving birth to 3 young ones. In this fossil, you can see that the first one has already born, the second is on its way and the last one is yet to come. The mother belonged to the Ichthyosaur (which is a dinosaur biologically not technically).

    This species is known to live in the Mesozoic era nearly about 66 million years ago and was a sea monster. It challenges the theory of biology that sea creatures actually lay eggs regardless of being reptiles. This fossil is the finest example of the life bearing ability of the sea creature which later becomes a baffling revelation for science that is yet to be discovered. 
If you are looking for dinosaur fossils in UK then, visit Neo Jurrasica once. It is a renowned destination in the country for palaeontologists to observe and study much more about dinosaurs. It exhibits some amazing as well as valuable fossils which are auctioned too frequently. Contact us to know more.
